Locked down details for number 3 in July!  Speakers will be:

Lizzee Solomon – Lizzee is a visual artist and designer based in Pittsburgh, PA. New York City born, Chicago suburbs raised, Carnegie Mellon School of Art trained. She’s also housebroken, is learning how to dance Salsa and speaks Spanish – Presenting: ‘Cuba for Dummies’

Ralph Crewe – Ralph is a professional science nerd, working as program development coordinator for the Buhl Planetarium and Observatory at Carnegie Science Center. He coordinates astronomical programming like SkyWatch, hosts the Café Scientifique science lecture series, created and hosts the SNaQ podcast, and is generally geeked to talk science with anybody he can. In his spare time, he plays music (bass and piano), rides his bicycle, and competes in birdwatching competitions-Presenting: ‘BS in SPACE! An Astronomical Adventure Through Cosmic Misinformation’

And me! Your MC Rorry Brenner – When I’m not hosting Nerd Nites or climbing rocks, I work as a Robotics Research Scientist. Computer Science undergrad at CMU and couldn’t figure out why robots were so blind so went off to USC to get a PhD in neuroscience – Presenting: ‘Comptuer Vision, Artificial Neural Networks, and How the Brain can Inspire A.I.’

If you haven’t been here before, check what this is about with videos from our first event at https://www.magecreate.com/nerdnitepgh.

We’re also testing the waters with a new segment: Nerd Nite Orientation.

Get your tickets on Eventbrite or Facebook!